Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Ring

I just saw the most beautiful ring and I have a connection to the ring and to the beautiful girl who is wearing it. The diamond was given to me on my 25th wedding anniversary. I wore it to church, I wore it to parties, I wore it to weddings, I wore it to Michigan, I wore it to Pennsylvania, I wore it to Florida, as a matter of fact, I wore it a lot, but diamonds don't wear out, they just get more precious. Then you tuck it away and start wearing a pearl ring, and maybe even a sapphire. Then along comes this really nice young man and he tells me he'd like to give my gorgeous granddaughter a ring--a diamond ring. So I told him about my diamond that I had tucked away. There was a problem--my diamond was in a cocktail setting and he needed an engagement setting. Being a very smart, talented artistic young man--he designed a setting incorporating my center diamond in an engagement ring. On a bridge in Pennsylvania he asked her "the question". She said "Yes" When they called to tell me the news, I was so excited and then I asked this young man a question. I asked him, "What if she had said "No"? His answer was quick and decisive, "I would have stayed on my knees and cried until she said "Yes" More later.


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