Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Ring

I just saw the most beautiful ring and I have a connection to the ring and to the beautiful girl who is wearing it. The diamond was given to me on my 25th wedding anniversary. I wore it to church, I wore it to parties, I wore it to weddings, I wore it to Michigan, I wore it to Pennsylvania, I wore it to Florida, as a matter of fact, I wore it a lot, but diamonds don't wear out, they just get more precious. Then you tuck it away and start wearing a pearl ring, and maybe even a sapphire. Then along comes this really nice young man and he tells me he'd like to give my gorgeous granddaughter a ring--a diamond ring. So I told him about my diamond that I had tucked away. There was a problem--my diamond was in a cocktail setting and he needed an engagement setting. Being a very smart, talented artistic young man--he designed a setting incorporating my center diamond in an engagement ring. On a bridge in Pennsylvania he asked her "the question". She said "Yes" When they called to tell me the news, I was so excited and then I asked this young man a question. I asked him, "What if she had said "No"? His answer was quick and decisive, "I would have stayed on my knees and cried until she said "Yes" More later.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hi Maddy :

Gramps is helping me this afternoon and I wanted to tell you that blogging is hard for me but I'm thinking if I keep trying I will catch on. I was watching a program on TV this morning and I found it very interesting. A docter was lecturing a large group of people, all ages , and his main message was ----if you don't use your brain, you will put yourself at a disadvantage. He was especially concerned about older people. He strongly suggested that old people learn new skills. I think learning to blog would qualify. My friend, Rita, is taking piano lessons and she is going to give a concert for her friends. I looked at some old pictures of you, and when you come over I'll show them to you. Do you have a Christmas list. I have one and it's about a mile long.

Love, NaNa 8

Monday, December 1, 2008

To Whom it may concern:

I actually think I' m going to have fun doing this. I realize it will take time and some energy. I have the time, and, the interest. We are going to start putting up our Christmas decorations tomorrow. Last night I saw the most gorgeous Christmas tree, it took my friend Carolyn 3 days to put it up. I was so impressed with Obama's press conference this morning------did you see how I just shifted subject matter. At any rate, he presented his cabinet this morning and I loved what he said. He made it clear he would listen, but his voice was the one final voice. In other words, his cabinet will defer to him. I'll be back later with , opps the computer is not behaving.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I think blogging is rather confusing if you start learning to blog before you know how to use a computer. I think if had some experience with basics, I might be a better student. Right now Mike is helping me and his computer savy is a help. Maybe I will learn how to E-Mail. At any rate, I do have a comment to make. Mike and I went to mass this afternoon and I asked our pastor a question. My question was, "Can I receive communion today even though I voted for Barack Obama?" I continued, "This morning my sister-in-law phoned me to tell me that I should'nt go to communion. Guess what my pastor said. His exact words were "Bullshit" I think I will send this out.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On my own

Today is a special day' we are having a candlelight dinner with Judith and Jim. We have to go up to our kitchen which is well stocked. I really think I may eventually catch on to this. This morning we saw a tennis match between Jim and Meghan; they had the court for one hour it was just so special to see Jim's serve, Another lesson later, on the computer.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

hi Marty

Marty and Rachel

Judith is helping me and it's so nice to have someone helping me. I think Adam will help me and maybe I can actually learn to do this.

nana Love and hugs